Emotional Wellness

Practicing Mindful Eating for Better Health

We often find ourselves overindulging in food due to a variety of factors, including emotional, social, and mindless eating. When it comes to food, our relationship with it becomes complex and influenced by many triggers. From the stress of everyday living to all the food choices available at the tip of your fingers, it becomes […]

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Emotional Wellness

3 Ways to Practice Gratitude

Starting each morning with an attitude full of gratitude can do wonders for your mind, body, and spirit. The way you start the day can reflect on various aspects of your life; a positive mindset can help influence your overall well-being. Gratitude is a powerful practice, and the more you use it, the more it […]

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Mental Health Therapist

The Benefits of Mental Health Days

Life constantly ebbs and flows, bringing in a mix of challenges, joys, and opportunities to shape our journey and help us grow. Maintaining your health and well-being is crucial when it comes to navigating these changes. With the hustle and bustle of everyday life, it is often easy to overlook the importance of your well-being. […]

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Anxiety Help

Ways to Unwind Without Technology

From cell phones to televisions, we constantly find ourselves in a state of digital immersion. Breaking our gaze from our phones has come to be more than just an everyday challenge; it is a testament to the growing realization of how important it is to reclaim our time and attention for things in our lives […]

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Mental Health Therapist

The Power of Positivity: Strengthening Your Mindset for Success

The way you perceive life, love, and happiness can significantly shape your mindset. Having a positive mindset can not only transform your outlook on life, but it can also impact your overall well-being. In this fast-paced world, it is often hard to find time to cultivate a positive mindset; fortunately, there are numerous strategies to […]

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With over 40 years of experience, Laurie Grengs
Counseling offers the knowledge and dedication.

Call today!763-572-2326