Category:Therapy Sessions
Ways to Unwind Without Technology
From cell phones to televisions, we constantly find ourselves in a state of digital immersion. Breaking our gaze from our phones has come to be more than just an everyday challenge; it is a testament to the growing realization of how important it is to reclaim our time and attention for things in our lives […]
Read MoreSeek Depression Counseling to Help with Thoughts of Hopelessness
Everyone has bad days, and it is common to sometimes feel unhappy or gloomy. If those feelings of hopelessness persist, it may be time to seek support and guidance. Among other services, Laurie Grengs Counseling offers depression counseling for those who believe their behaviors and feelings may be symptoms of depression. September is National Suicide […]
Read MoreAnswering Common Questions about Couples Counseling
At Laurie Grengs Counseling, we receive calls every day from people asking about our services. Many of the calls concern marriage or couples therapy. We welcome those inquiries and are grateful for the opportunity to provide guidance. Below we have answered a few common questions about couples counseling to open the lines of communication and […]
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