
Counseling Services

Laurie Grengs Counseling provides marriage, family, trauma, depression, substance abuse, and anger management therapy for emotional, psychological, mental, and spiritual healing.

The office location of Laurie Grengs Counseling offers the utmost privacy and serenity. Greeted by the calming sound of trickling water from the fountains, you will enjoy a peaceful, quiet atmosphere the moment you enter the office. Large picture windows overlook an inspiring view of a pond and woods. Therapeutic colors—blues, pinks, and greens—welcome and soothe.
Contact Laurie Grengs Counseling to schedule a counseling session.

With over 40 years of experience, Laurie Grengs Counseling offers the knowledge and dedication.

Call today!763-572-2326


Practicing Mindful Eating for Better Health

We often find ourselves overindulging in food due to a variety of factors, inc...[+]

3 Ways to Practice Gratitude

Starting each morning with an attitude full of gratitude can do wonders for yo...[+]

The Benefits of Mental Health Days

Life constantly ebbs and flows, bringing in a mix of challenges, joys, and opp...[+]