
PTSD: An Inside Look

Ever wondered what PTSD, Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, is actually a diagnosis for? This diagnosis is talked about often by the public and the professionals in the mental health community. PTSD has been a diagnosis for the battle fatigued men and women soldiers for decades. The men and women that have put their life on […]

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The Law of Attraction

I am going to guide you today to age old yet hidden information about how to change your life and manifest all your desires. First I would like to share with you that I have a private practice where I provide marriage and couple’s therapy. I am also a Life Coach and Executive Coach. As […]

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Be As An Eagle: The Manifestation of all your Dreams

Your dream and vision is absolutely yours to have manifested. The Law of Attraction and the attributes of the Eagle are the method for each of us to create our vision with speed and accuracy. It is necessary in creating our dreams that at all times each of us as a human being be “teachable”. […]

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Marriage problems: The First Steps

When encountering struggles in your marriage or primary love relationship, you may be deeply wondering and asking your self, “What do I do”? A few first steps is to ask your self what is the struggle I am having in my marriage? Follow with asking your self how committed am I to risking exploring what […]

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Erica and Paul Identifying their feelings

In marriage therapy, often each person is unknowingly “putting” on their spouse unconscious feelings they have about themselves and/or past experiences. Erica was struggling with how do I go into my body to “identify” and “locate” the feelings I am having. Paul said no way do I want to do this process. At this point […]

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With over 40 years of experience, Laurie Grengs
Counseling offers the knowledge and dedication.

Call today!763-572-2326