The Power of Assertiveness

June 27, 2023

Assertiveness may not come easily to most people, but it is one of the most powerful tools that can empower you to take control of your life, thoughts, and feelings. Being assertive has multiple benefits: It raises your self-confidence, helps you communicate more effectively with others, and more. Follow along as Laurie Grengs Counseling discusses the power of assertiveness.

Benefits of Being Assertive

There is a thin line between passive and aggressive. That thin line represents assertiveness. Passive people tend to struggle with communicating their needs and will try to avoid conflict with others; aggressive people do not take other people’s feelings into consideration and will dominate conversations. Assertive people, however, possess a healthy balance between communicating their needs and listening to others considerately. The power of assertiveness offers several benefits that can change your life for the better, including:

  • Less anxiety and depression
  • Feeling more empowered
  • Stronger relationships
  • More decisiveness
  • Improved communication with others

Establishing Self-Confidence

Self-confidence is the foundation on which we build ourselves up and learn how to navigate through life. Self-confidence enables you to view yourself in a positive light. It gives you courage to act and empowers you to take risks. When you assert yourself to others, you communicate your worth and value, helping to shine yourself in a positive light. Establishing your self-confidence gives you the power to then be more assertive with yourself and others.

Effective Communication

Assertiveness typically goes hand in hand with effective communication. You can express your needs, feelings, and boundaries when you assert yourself while still respecting how others feel. The power of assertiveness promotes healthy professional and personal relationships. When you assert yourself clearly and directly, your thoughts and feelings will be seen and known by others. Being open and honest with others will help your mental health in the long run.

Find Support and Guidance with Laurie Grengs Counseling

The power of assertiveness should not be underestimated. By communicating effectively, establishing confidence in yourself, and understanding the benefits, you can start to recognize your self-worth and learn that it is okay to say what you are feeling, wanting, and thinking. Being assertive will help you find your voice and transform into the person you have always wanted to be.

If you still feel stuck and struggle with being assertive, do not give up! Laurie Grengs Counseling is here to help you. I offer life coaching sessions and individual therapy. Contact Laurie Grengs Counseling if you are ready to start putting yourself first.

  • Empowerment

With over 40 years of experience, Laurie Grengs
Counseling offers the knowledge and dedication.

Call today!763-572-2326