Living with and beyond COVID-19

May 27, 2020

How do I respond? Fear or Love?

COVID-19 presents to the world. Often for most of us, we are conditioned to respond with fear to something unwanted. Yes COVID-19 is to be taken seriously. When fear arises from a serious situation, the emotional vibration of fear creates the situation to grow in darkness and negative power.

At Laurie Grengs Counseling, we are here to teach and lead the path out of fear to love. Love is the highest vibrating emotion in human beings. The higher the vibration an emotion has, the more power it has to bring healing and positive abundance.

Living from the feeling of love brings a manner of responding to difficulties, that allows change to happen. Disease can be looked at as dis-ease. We, as humans, can shift our focus in difficult times (dis-ease) to an opportunity to grow in loving ourselves unconditionally and loving our “neighbors,” as part of the rising above the struggles. Thus, decreasing disease and growing wellness.

Please know that life does present unknowns, that Laurie Grengs Counseling can guide you to understand the opportunity in those times.

COVID-19 is here as a potential opportunity to ask ourselves “Do we focus inward to reflect on how I may respond to this unknown with compassion for myself and others?” “Do I allow an unknown to determine my values and ‘feed’ the feelings of fear?”

Stress can be another form of fear. When any human is barraged with negative information it can create stress, which subsequently can lead to a disease that has the potential to grow.

Suggestions to manage stress

    • Watch the media on a limited basis.
    • Read, walk, or meditate about what brings you gratitude.
    • Say thank you often and tell your precious connections in human and/or animal form how much you love them.
    • Make this your mantra: “I love all who I am and my behavior does not define my goodness. I am unconditionally worthy of all abundance. I open my heart to it now.”

COVID-19 is a reminder that even in vulnerable times, empowerment for each person is a choice. We invite you to call Laurie Grengs Counseling to benefit from the knowledge of how to grow in choice at difficult times. We are here to guide you to open the door to thoughts and feelings of “I can handle what comes my way, with humble confidence.” This can lead to a sense of empowerment, which uplifts our thoughts and feelings.

Choice can manifest in these actions/behaviors

“Express our feelings to a trusted person, uplift a friend, neighbor, family member, or an unknown person with a wave when taking a walk, thanking an employee for their assistance when at the grocery store, and/or a smile of gratitude to the healers that are assisting the ill and teaching how to transcend disease.”

There are gifts in difficulties. Often that is when we can look inside and are reminded by Laurie Grengs Counseling that each living being is unconditionally worthy of compassion, care, and respect.

The opportunity is here now for opening our hearts and minds, to what is the purpose of how we want to live in times of ease and times of opportunity.

Laurie Grengs Counseling is here before, during, and after COVID-19 to support, lead, and teach to all how very important love is and all the greatness love can bring in assisting you to manifest your dreams.

  • Emotional Wellness

With over 40 years of experience, Laurie Grengs
Counseling offers the knowledge and dedication.

Call today!763-572-2326